郭有吉5B Unit 8 Birthdays Story time课堂实录
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郭有吉5B Unit 8 Birthdays Story time课堂实录
T: Well, class begins.
S: Stand up.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss...
T: Class, you know me? I’m Mr Guo. Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Mr Guo.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.
Ss: Thank you.
T: Well, boys and girls. Wow, today, let’s learn Unit 8 Birthdays. Let’s read it together. Unit 8 Birthdays. (手指黑板)
Ss: Unit 8 Birthdays.
T: Birthdays.
Ss: Birthdays.
T: Wow, let’s sing a song. (播放ppt)
个别Ss: We say hello from Sunday to Saturday. We wish you happy every day. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We say hello from Sunday to Saturday. We wish you happy every day.
T: Can you sing? Try to sing.
Ss: We say hello from Sunday to Saturday. We wish you happy every day. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We say hello from Sunday to Saturday. We wish you happy every day.
T: We wish you happy every day. OK, this is a happy song. Are you happy now?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK, happy boys and girls. Hello, boy. OK. What’s your name?
S: I’m 彭家栋.
T: How are you?
S: ...
T: How are you today?
S: ...
T: Are you fine?
S: ...
T: Are you happy now?
S: Yes.
T: Yah, why are you so happy?
S: Because today is my birthday.
T: Oh, because today is your birthday. Really?
S: Yes.
T: Today is your birthday. Oh, that gives me a surprise. OK, very good. Sit down, please. OK, that girl. What’s your name?
S: I’m
T: Are you happy now?
S: Yes.
T: Why are you so happy?
S: Because because I see a new teacher.
T: Haha, I’m a new teacher. Am I new? Just new? Am I young?
T:Am I young?
S: No.
T: No? Am I smart?
T: 帅吗?No? Am I smilt? smart? No. Oh, sorry. What a pity? OK, well. (播放ppt) Now, can you say some phrases about birthday activities? OK, today is the boy’s birthday and my birthday is coming soon and can you say some phrases about birthday activities. OK, the girl, you please.
S: have a party
T: have a party. Yha, good. You.
S: eat some cake
T: You eat some cakes. OK, good. You please.
S: eat noodles.
T: You eat some noodles. Very good. You please.
S: sing a birthday song.
T: sing a birthday song. Birthday song. Yha, good. OK, you please.
S: play some games
T: play some games. Wow, good. You please.
S: have a big dinner.
T: have a big dinner. Yha, good. Very good. OK, you please.
S: go to a restaurant.
T: OK, go to a restaurant and ... Just sit down? Go to the restaurant and ...
T&Ss: and have a big dinner.
T: Sit down, please. You please.
S: buy a cake
T: buy a birthday cake. Yha, great! OK, well. Let’s look.(播放ppt) Look! Have a party. Read. Have a party.
Ss: Have a party.
T手指ppt Ss: have a (party) big dinner
T: Great!
Ss: play some games
T: yes, very good.
Ss: buy birthday (cakes) presents
T: Yes, buy birthday presents. OK, read together. Buy birthday presents.
Ss: buy birthday presents
T: buy a birthday cake
Ss: buy a birthday cake
T: Well, now and so on and so on. You look birthday food. Can you say some phrases about birthday food? You, the boy, you please.
S: Chickens
T: Chickens. This is birthday . You know?
S: yes.
T: yes, very good. OK, boy, you please.
S: a birthday cake
T: Oh, a birthday cake. Yes, good. Sit down. You please.
S: noodles
T: noodles. You have some noodles. Yes, very good. OK, boy you please.
S: rice
T: rice? You eat rice on your birthday?
S: yes.
T: Oh, sometimes. OK, very good. You please.
S: hamburger
T: you eat a hamburger on your birthday?
S: Yes.
T: Yes, sit down, please. You please.
S: chicken
T: chickens, haha, chickens, you eat chickens on your birthdays. OK, the boy, you please.
S: meat
T: what? Meat? Some meat, don’t eat too much. Sit down, please. Do you like meat?
S: yes
T: yes, you like meat. Yes, very good. Well, let’s look and read.(手指ppt)
Ss: eat some noodles
T: Yha, good.
Ss: eat birthday cake
T: very good.
Ss: sweets
T: and we can eat some sweets on the birthday. Yha, look.
Ss: eggs
T: this is birthday egg. Now
Ss: peaches.
T: peaches yha
Ss: chocolates
T: you can eat some chocolates on your birthday. OK, read chocolate
Ss: chocolate
T: chocolate
Ss: chocolate
T: and so on and so on. OK, hello boys and girls, wow, my birthday is coming soon, so I am so happy now. I am so happy because my birthday is coming soon. Is coming soon. But guess how old is Mr Guo? This is Mr Guo? How old is he? Can you guess? Mumm, forty-six years old? Forty-seven years old? Forty-eight years old? Forty-nine years old or fifty years old? I’m so old? OK, can you guess? Yha, boy, you please.
S: forty-six years old
T: forty-six years old? Maybe. OK, you please.
S: Forty-seven years old
T: seven, forty-seven years old? Maybe. Yes. You girl, you please.
S: Forty-eight years old.
T: Forty-eight years old. Perhaps. OK, boy, you please.
S: Forty-nine years old.
T: Forty-nine years old. Yha, you please.
S: fifty years old.
T: fifty years old. I’m so old and I’m not young and I’m not smart. I’m so old. OK. Sit down please. OK, I tell you the truth. I’m forty-nine years old. I’m forty-nine years old. OK. Am I old?
Ss: No.
T: Am I young?
Ss: No(yes).
T: Am I smart?
Ss: Yes(no).
T: Am I lovely?
Ss: No(yes).
T: OK, thank you. OK, I’m forty-nine years old. This is me. I’m forty-nine years old and this is my forty-ninth year in the world. This is my forty-ninth year old. OK, do you know forty-nine, forty-ninth? forty-ninth? What’s the meaning of forty-ninth? 第
T&Ss: 四十九年
T:This is my forty-ninth year old years year in the world. OK well this is nine n i n e move e add th n i n t h. OK, read together. Nine.
Ss: nine
T: ninth
Ss: ninth
T: ninth
Ss: ninth
T: forty-ninth
Ss: forty-ninth
T:Well, look. This is add th,but one you look, one is
Ss: first
T: two is
Ss: second
T: three
Ss: third
T: four
Ss: fourth
T: eight
Ss: eighth
T: fourteen
Ss: fourteenth
T: and ... This is ordinal numeral这就是序数词. OK,well. How to read? Let’s read. /θ/
Ss: /θ/
T: /θ/
Ss: /θ/
T: ninth
Ss: ninth
T: forty-ninth
Ss: forty-ninth
T: OK, my birthday is coming soon. But when’s Mr Guo’s birthday? (播放ppt) When’s Mr Guo’s birthday? Can you guess? Mumm, is it the thirtieth of March? thirtieth of March? This is thirty. thirtieth of March? The eleventh of April? The eighth of May? The twenty-second of June? The thirty-first of July? Can you guess? OK. OK, before guessing, let’s read after me. OK? The thirtieth
Ss: thirtieth
T: the thirtieth
Ss: the thirtieth
T: the thirtieth of March
Ss: the thirtieth of March
T: the eleventh of April
Ss: the eleventh of April
T: OK, this is birthday. /?:/birth /θ/birthday. OK and look. This is ...how to read? /ei/
Ss: /ei/
T: /ei/
Ss: /ei/
T: because this is vowel. 这是元音so we read /ei/
Ss: /ei/
T: the eleventh of April
Ss: the eleventh of April
T: loudly. the eighth of May
Ss: the eighth of May
T: The twenty-second of June
Ss: The twenty-second of June
T: The thirty-first of July
Ss: The thirty-first of July
T: When is Mr Guo’s birthday? You girl you please.
S: the eleventh of April
T: It’s on the. You say It’s on the. We use preposition is on o n preposition is o n. It’s on the eleventh of April. Sorry, i don’t think so. Sit down, please. You please.
S: it’s on the twenty-second of June.
T: Oh, it’s on the twenty-second this is twenty-second twenty-second of June. Maybe, sit down please. Boy, you please.
S: I 那个 the eighth of May
T: It’s on the eighth of May. Great! Sit down, please. My birthday is on the eighth of May. Yah, OK, you got this, very good. Now, look! This is May. Do you know the days in May? Do you know the days in May? Yah, and what’s this? You
S: 劳动节
T: Yes, so good. You know this is May Day. Together May Day.
Ss: May Day
T: May Day
Ss: May Day
T: thank you boy. What’s this?
Ss: 五四青年节
T: Yah, this is Youth Day.
Ss: Youth Day
T: together Youth Day
Ss: Youth Day
T: Youth Day
Ss: Youth Day
T: but what’s this?
S: 护士节
T: how to say 护士节?OK, boys, tell me the English name of 护士节. OK, you please.
S: Nurse Day
T: Yes, very good. Yes, sit down. It’s Nurse Day. OK, together Nurse Day.
Ss: Nurse Day
T: Nurse Day
Ss: Nurse Day
T: what’s this? Boy, you please.
S: 母亲节
T: Yes, how to say 母亲节?How to say? OK, sit please. You.
S: Mother’s Day
T: Yes, Mother’s Day. OK, boys and girls, look. Read together Mother’s Day
Ss: Mother’s Day
T: Mother’s Day
Ss: Mother’s Day
T: Sit down please. What’s this?
Ss: 端午节
T: yah, 端午节 How to say 端午节?Oh,you
S: Dragon Boat Dragon Boat Festival
T: Oh, very good. This is Chinese festival. Sit down, please. This is Dragon Boat Festival. OK, read together Dragon Boat Festival.
Ss: Dragon Boat Festival
T: Dragon Boat Festival
Ss: Dragon Boat Festival
T: and what’s this? And what day is this? When’s Mr Guo’s birthday? You please.
S: Mr Guo’s birthday.
T: yah, this is Mr Guo’s birthday. So, sit down please. Wow, this is my birthday. My birthday is on the eighth of May. OK, when’s Mr Guo’s birthday? We should answer it’s on ... (板书When’s ... Birthday? It’s on ....) OK, well, boys and girls, this is Mr Guo’s birthday, but how about the children’ birthday? (播放ppt) What do you want to know about the story?
Ss: yes.
T: You can ask some questions about the story. Can you? You can use whose, when or what. Ask some questions about the story. Can you? OK, who can ask? Think it over. Whose? When? What? Ya, can you ask some questions about the story time? OK, boy, you please.
S: When’s Su Hai’s birthday?
T: Mm, very good, clever. When’s Su Hai’s birthday? Sit down, please. Second one, you please.
S: When’s Mike’s birthday?
T: When’s Mike’s birthday? Very good. Third one. You please.
S: When’s Wang Bing’s birthday?
T: When’s Wang Bing’s birthday? Ya, OK, you please.
S: When’s Yang Ling’s birthday?
T: When’s Yang Ling’s birthday? All their birthdays you can ask when’s ... When’s ... But can you make a question with when and the other words whose, what? Whose? Can you ask some questions? What? You
S: What do you do in their birthday?
T: Yes, very good. What do you do on their birthdays? This is on.(圈板书on并在下方打上三角形) What do you do on their birthdays? Yes, so great.OK, well, let’s look.(播放ppt) Listen and answer. Question : whose birthdays are they talking about? They are talking about... OK, listen.(播放录音) Whose birthdays are they talking about? OK, girl, you please.
S: They are talking about Su Hai’s Su Hai and Mike’s birthdays.
T: They are talking about Su Hai and Mike’s birthdays. Yes, sit down please. OK, they are talking about Su Hai’s birthday. And are they talking about Su Yang’s birthday?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ya, Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday and they are talking about Mike’s birthday. You’re so great. Well, first, watch and find. Question one: when’s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday? Question two: What do they do on their birthday? OK, got it? Now go. Watch and answer(播放动画) OK, let’s begin. OK, some words here. This is
Ss: eleventh
T: eleventh
Ss: eleventh
T: This is
Ss: seventh
T: seventh
Ss: seventh
T: This is
Ss: eighth
T: eighth
Ss: eighth
T: and this is
Ss: April
T: This is
Ss: July
T: and this is
Ss: May
T: Ya, Su Hai’s birthday is on ... OK, OK, boy the last, you please.
S: Su Hai’s birthday is on the eleventh of May. It’s Su Yang’s birthday.
T: OK, very good. And it’s also Su Yang’s birthday. Wow, so their birthday is the same day. Su Hai’s birthday is on the eleventh of May. OK, very good. OK, let’s read together. Su Hai’s birthday is on the eleventh one two.
Ss: Su Hai’s birthday is on the eleventh of May. It’s also Su Yang’s birthday.
T: OK, so why Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday is on the eleventh of May? Ya, good. Question two: What do they do on their birthday? Some phrases for you. Number one
T&Ss: have a big dinner
T: Number two
Ss: have a party
T: Number three
Ss: eat some noodles
T: Number four
Ss: buy a birthday cake
T: ya,number five
Ss: play some games
T: yes, and number six
Ss: eat the birthday cake together
T: Number seven
Ss: play with Kitty the cat
T: OK, let’s look. Do they have a big dinner?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes, very good. Su Hai and Su Yang usually have a big dinner have have a big dinner. OK, do they have a party?
Ss: No.
T: No. Do they eat some noodles?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes. Good. Yes. OK. Number three. Do they buy a birthday cake?
Ss: No.
T: No. Ya, do they play some games?
Ss: No.
T: No. Do they eat the birthday cake together?
Ss: No.
T: This is together. OK, now let’s look. This is t-o, g-e-t, t-o-g-e-t and h-e-r. But how to pronounce “th” in the word? “th”/e/ OK, put your teeth on your tongue between your teeth /e/
Ss: /e/
T: mother
Ss: mother
T: father
Ss: father
T: together
Ss: together
T: together
Ss: together
T: eat the birthday cake together
Ss: eat the birthday cake together
T: Do they eat the birthday cake together?
Ss: No.
T: Do they play with Kitty the cat?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes, very good, it’s also Su Hai and Su Yang usually one, two. Su Hai and Su Yang one, two.
Ss: Su Hai and Su Yang usually have a big dinner, eat some noodles, play with Kitty the cat
T: and play with the Kitty cat and play with the Kitty the cat. OK, got it? now well and you read second part and underline the key phrases or sentences.(播放ppt) OK, open your books. First one: When’s Mike’s birthday? Question two: What do they do on Mike’s birthday? OK, now let’s begin. (边在教室转边说)Ye, good, underline the key sentences and phrases. When’s Mike’s birthday and what do they do on Mike’s birthday? OK?(播放ppt)Hello, this is Mike. When’s Mike’s birthday? OK, boy, you please. OK, very good. OK, you boy.
S: It’s on the eighth of April.
T: and Mike’s birthday is on the ya is on the eighth of April. Yes, great. OK. Let’s read together on the eighth of April.
Ss: on the eighth of April
T: Yes, and what do they do on Mike’s birthday? OK, boy, very good, OK, boy, you.
S: They always have a party at home.
T: have a party at home and
S: and go to buy a birthday cake
T: and go to buy a birthday cake ya
S: and play some games
T: and play some games and play some games and
S: eat the birthday cake
T: eat the birthday cake. OK, very good. I want to know who go to buy a birthday cake? Ya, girl, you please.
S: Helen, Tim and Mike
T&Ss: Helen, Tim and Mike
T: go to buy a birthday cake. Yes, sit down, please. OK. And who eat the birthday cake and play some games? OK, girl, you please.
S: Helen, Tim and Mike’s friends and Mike
T: Yes, very good. OK. All the boys and girls eat the birthday cakes ya and play some games. OK, great! Well, this is Mike’s birthday and all the boys and girls eat the birthday cake. But what do you like? Look, birthday noodles. Read birthday noodles.
Ss: birthday noodles
T: birthday
Ss: cake
T: and some Chinese people like eating noodles, but some western people like eating birthday cake and what do you like eating? Think it over. OK, boy, you please.
S: I like eating birthday cake.
T: You like eating birthday cake. Why?
S: Because it’s so sweet.
T: It’s so sweet. It’s delicious. Sit down, please. Very good. You please.
S: I like eat birthday noodles.
T: You like eating birthday noodles. But why?
S: Because it’s very nice.
T: Because it’s very nice. Ya, sit down, please. What about you? Mm, what about you? Boy, what do you like?
S: I like eating bir bir birthday cake.
T: Why?
S: Because it’s it’s so sweet.
T: Because it’s so sweet. OK, most of western people like eating birthday cake, so you just like a western people. 你就是一个小外国人啊but most of Chinese like eating noodles. Because this is birthday noodles. 这是长寿面Most of old people like eating birthday noodles. Got it? Yes or no?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes. Very good. (播放ppt)Well, now this is reading time. (播放录音) Well.
Ss: When’s your birthday, Su Hai?
Ss: It’s on the eleventh of May. It’s also Su Yang’s birthday.
T: Great.
Ss: What do you do on your birthday?
Ss: We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.
T: Yes.
Ss: Su Yand and I eat some noodles.
T: Yes, good.
Ss: After that, we play with Kitty the cat.
T: What’s the cat’s name?
Ss: Kitty.
T: Yes, the cat is
Ss: Kitty.
T: Kitty, yes, very good.
Ss: We have a great time.
T: Very good. Second part.
Ss: When’s your birthday, Mike?
Ss: It’s on the eighth of April.
Ss: We always have a party at home.
Ss: Helen, Tim and I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning.
Ss: Then, my friends come in the afternoon.
Ss: We eat the birthday cake together and play some game.
Ss: We have a lot of fun!
T: We have a lot of fun. We also can say we have a great time. Yes, very good. OK, boys and girls. Well, now your reading time. Please read you can read together, read in roles, or you can read follow one. OK, read in groups. OK? One, two, go!
T: OK, time is over. OK, who can read the first part of the story? First part. You, this group, you read. OK, one, two, go!
T: OK, great. Sit down, please. The second part. The second part. It’s about Mike’s birthday. OK, this group, you please.
T: Good job. Sit down, please. Very good! Well, let’s retell. This is the retell time. Now, you can choose one’s birthday and retell. OK? Which words are for Su Hai and Su Yang? This is ... OK, you can read. Have a big dinner.
Ss: Have a big dinner. Eat some noodles. Play with Kitty the cat. Their parents and grandparents
T: OK, Su Hai and Su Yang always have a big dinner with their parents and grandparents. And this have a
Ss: have a party
T: This one
Ss: eat the birthday cake together
T: This one
Ss: play some games
T: This one
Ss: buy a birthday cake
T: The last one
Ss: Mike’s friends
T: Mike’s friends come to the party in the
Ss: afternoon
T: Yes, good. OK. Which one do you like? You choose which one? You choose Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday or you choose Mike’s birthday? You have a try. I like I like Mike’s birthday. OK, you choose one. Just have a try. OK? OK, boy, you please. Which? Here.
S: I like Su Yang and I like Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday.
T: Oh,ya. Ok, you please.
S: It’s on the eleventh of May. Su Yang Su Hai and Su Yang usually have a big dinner with his with their parents and grandparents. They Su Yang and they Su Yang and Su Hai eat some noodles.
T: They eat some noodles. OK, they have a
S: Then, they play with Kitty the cat.
T: OK, you just recite. You can prepare to retell the story. Yes, sit down, please. You have the topic to retell the story according to this one. OK, you please.
S: I like Mike
T: Oh, you like Mike. OK, you like Mike. This is Mike.
S: I like I like Mike’s birthday. It’s It is on
T: It’s on the
S: on the eighth eighth of April.
T: eighth of April.
S: Mike, Helen and and Tim always always have a party at home.
T: have a party at home
S: They they they buy they go to buy a birthday cake in the morning.
T: buy a birthday cake in the morning
S: Then, Mike’s friends come to the party. They they eat the they eat birthday cake together and and play some some games
T: OK. They have a
S: They have a lot of fun.
T: OK, they have a lot of fun. This is harder one. OK, yes, very good. They eat the birthday cake together and play some games. Wow, let’s read it together. I like Mike’s birthday. One, two.
Ss: I like Mike’s birthday. It’s on the eighth of April. Mike, Helen and and Tim always have a party at home. They buy a birthday cake. Then, Mike’s friends come to the party. They eat the birthday cake together and play some games. They have a lot of fun.
T: Yes, very good. OK, this is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday. OK, well, it’s on the eleventh of May. I like one two.
Ss: I like Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday. It’s on the eleventh of May. Su Hai and Su Yang usually have a big dinner with their parents and grandparents. They eat some noodles. Then, they play with Kitty the cat. They have a great time.
T: Yes, that’s great! Very good. That is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday and this is Mike’s birthday. Wow, let’s look, my birthday is coming and my mother’s birthday is coming too. Look and listen. (播放视频) My mother is old now. I love my mother. Do you love your mother?
Ss: Yes!
T: Yes, we all love our mothers. OK, good boys and girls. Well, let’s sing a song for my mother, OK? Happy birthday to you, can you sing it? Wow, let’s sing it. (播放音频)
T&Ss: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you(mother). Happy birthday to you(dear mother). Happy birthday to you. OK, well, take out your paper. Now, take out your paper. Let’s listen and fill in the blanks. Well, another listen. Yes, write the phrases or the words.
T: OK, who have finished? Well, let’s check. Now, it is April now. My mother’s birthday is coming. But my mother always
Ss: does housework
T: Yes, does housework at home. She’s very tired. Mother, my dear mother. Please
Ss: have a rest
T: Yes, very good, have a rest and have a great time. Ye, have a great time. It is
Ss: fourteenth of
T: Yes, it is the fourteenth of May. Ya, today is my mother’s birthday. Let’s
Ss: have a party for her
T: Let’s have a party for her. Please
Ss: eat some
T: Please eat some noodles and
Ss: and have a birthday cake
T: Yes, very good. And a birthday cake. Mother, my dear mother. OK. Please have a lot of fun on your birthday. This is my mother’s birthday. OK, wow, OK, look, yes, summary. One, if you want to know somebody’s birthday, you ask, how to ask? When’s your birthday?(边指板书边回答) OK, for example, when’s your birthday? When’s Mike’s birthday? Or when’s Su Hai’s birthday? And you can answer you should answer you please it’s on
S: My birthday is is on on the August my my
T: Oh, your birthday is in August. Yes, OK, very good. Your birthday is in August. OK, where’s Su Hai and Su Yang(板书SH&SY) where when’s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday? OK? And when is Mike’s birthday? (板书Mike’s) It’s can you write here, it’s on
Ss: the eleventh of May
T: Can you write here? (板书It’s on )OK, write it here. Now, girl, you please. This is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday. Write it here. Can you write?
S: Yes
T: OK, you can write. You write it here. And when’s Mike’s birthday? This is Mike’s birthday. Write it here. Boy, you please.
S: It is It’s on the eighth of April.
T: OK, you write. You write on the blackboard. It’s Yes or no. And Mike’s birthday is on the ... And Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday is on the .... OK, good! Let’s check. Thank you. When’s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday? It’s on the eleventh of may. Something wrong?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes. The capital letter is M-a-y(订正板书大写字母M). This is the capital letter. Yes? And second one, Mike’s birthday. When’s Mike’s birthday? It’s on the eighth of April. Correct!(板书打钩) very good! Hello, boys and girls. Look, this is
Ss: 序数词
T: this is
Ss: 月份
T: Wow, homework: one, read the story time. Two, talk about your family’s birthday or birthdays. Three, make a birthday card for your father for your mother. For example, draw a beautiful picture here and write dear mother, happy birthday to you! Love, Helen.Yes, OK, that’s all for today. Thank you. OK, Class is over.
S: Stand up.
T: Goodbye, class
Ss: Goodbye, Mr Guo.